
My name is Rupinder. I am a self-taught front-end developer. Welcome to my portfolio site! Here I would like to tell a little about myself, and showcase my projects.


My story:

My developer story began in 2017, the moment I opened the code editor for the first time. This journey has been one of the hardest in my life so far, but also one of the most exciting. Studying was difficult for me at the beginning. But now I know that is totally normal…everyone goes through that when they start something new. The main thing is to be persistent and never give up.

Some people think programming is boring. But I disagree. I see a lot of creativity in frontend. I really love it because, after writing a line of code, you immediately see the result of your work on the screen. I think It's really interesting and fun!

Laptop with code editor open

My skills:

  • HTML5. I try to write valid and semantic mark-up.
  • CSS3. I really enjoy creating layouts and components. I also use SCSS, Sass, Less and animate.css.
  • JavaScript, ES6, TypeScript, Next JS and React.js. Currently i am working in React js Ecosystem.
  • Redux, Redux Thunk, Redux Saga, Styled Components and other popular packages.
  • Webpack, NPM
  • Git - for the version control.
  • English, Hindi and Punjabi - for the communication.

sreenshot of the site